Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Look Back...And a Look Ahead

On Thursday (New England weather permitting) I am planning on giving my students (both high school and elementary!) a fantastic resolution sheet I found via We Are Teachers.  I told a co worker that I thought it was important for the kids to reflect on their year and to make goals…and then I thought shouldn’t the same idea work for adults?  So here goes…I’ll of course spare the five people who read this and skip my favorite food, activity etc.

2013…A Look Back

Greatest Lesson Learned Nothing is a sure thing!  Sometimes in 2013 I felt like the fresh faced college grad.  I mean I was a recent grad…not so fresh faced however!  Why weren’t jobs just falling out of the sky?  Who wouldn’t want a phenomenal English teacher on their staff?  I also sent out my novel to a few agents and received polite rejections.  Although the small circle of people who have read my novel have loved it, that does not necessarily mean that getting it out there in the world will be a snap!  Achieving my dreams is going to take longer than I want, but I know it will be worth it!

Hardest Thing This Year  Now I know this one will sound weird but this is the year that I learned family is what you make of it.  The end of 2012 saw my family dynamics change.  Gone were the large over done holiday dinners that were combined with driving here there and everywhere.  We simplified.  Easter became Enchilada Easter enjoyed with Dave, Brady and a fantastic friend.  Thanksgiving became staying at one house where we were wanted and where drama was nonexistent.  And after a relaxing an amazing Thanksgiving dinner with my husband’s family we still enjoy the tree lighting ceremony in West Warwick because what’s cooler than Santa on a fire truck?  And Christmas has been solidified as a Chanukah Christmas.  After enjoying time with Dave’s family on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, we find a family movie and an open Chinese restaurant!  People talk about a work family, and I certainly have that, the girls I work with are amazing and the girls who I used to work with remain a part of my life.  I am especially fortunate however since we also have a theatre family.  This year my best friend (and business partner) have grown our theatre company one step at a time, and with it these wonderful and amazing performers have stuck with us and volunteered their time, talent and money helping us grow.  All these wonderful event weren’t hard, it was accepting that change happens and that family is what you make of it that was hard.  In fact it took me almost the entire year to realize this.

Favorite Memory Well does anything beat being relentlessly teased by your four year old because you’re too scared for Splash Mountain?  Yes, watching your son in a  private ceremony in Harry Potter world where he received a wand would beat that.  Of course it was all the same trip so the memory of making Brady’s little dreams come true would be it!

What I Loved About 2013 This is hard.  I loved the stronger relationships I made with people.  I loved the excitement on Brady’s face when we arrived at the airport to take him to Disney.  I loved each and every audience member who came out to a play I wrote and said that they would be back for more!  I loved each production for my tiny divas at the daycare…watching students in particular those too frightened to sing in front of anyone then blossom in front of an audience was amazing!  I loved my first long term teaching assignment and having a glimpse into the world of teaching.  What’s not to love when you’re doing what you’re meant to do?

And Onto 2014

What I want to Learn How to be an even more effective teacher.  How to “do it all” and not have something suffer.

Want to Improve Isn’t it the same every year?  Organize and exercise.  I discovered I love running…now to find the time to do it!

Goals for 2014 There are a few!  To stage a new play I’ve written with a friend this spring, to run my first 5K, to write every day and of course to become a permanent English teacher.  Actually if I think of it my goals are endless, and that’s just the way I like it!  

And if you want to download the printable sheet that I'm using here's a link to the original source!

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