Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Monthly Musings

...why did I start a blog if I never write it?
...why do the holidays take months-wait all year for those of us with Christmas Clubs-to prepare for and about 3.5 seconds to be done with!
...why do people on the internet say really dumb and mean things?
...and why do I care?
...why is The Daily Show NOT on every day?
...are little kids so darn cute so when they're testing you at quarter to ten at night you won't go completely bonkers?
...why is it so easy to eat during times of stress?
...or the holidays and any day that ends in the letter y to be completely honest can someone's absence be so great that it is the utmost thing on your mind and weighs on you like a ton of bricks?
...what did we do before Facebook?  Talk, spend time with our families, clean our houses?  Damn you Zuckerburg!
...why are feet so gross?
...what does it say about society that December 26th is far more crowded at the Malls than any other day in December?
...what does it say about me that I was AT the mall to make that observation? come that everything that tastes so good is so bad for you? come that everything worthwhile is so freaking hard?  Can't the worthwhile thing be easy, just once?
...why is a blog so hard to write?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Beginnings

I never received my AFA in theatre.  I did the work, and should have graduated, but I never paid the graduation fee until today.  I have considered myself as a graduate since the work has been done for YEARS, and I never questioned it.  But now, knowing I will have that tiny and expensive piece of paper, makes me feel as if I have really accomplished something.  With honors.

So step one in my newly minted triple threat nerd program has begun!  Step One- AFA in theatre.  Check.  Step Two- BA in English Language and Literature.  I finished that on Halloween so...CHECK!  Step Three - convince Dave that a Masters in Creative Writing is a really really cool 10 year Anniversary present!

Why put this up on a blog that I have not even told anyone I have since quite frankly, my blog posts are not very good yet?  Because if it's on the internet it MUST be so!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Different Versions of Myself

Recently...well as far back as early this Autumn, I have often wondered who I am.  Am I a Mom, wife, daughter, someone at risk, student, teacher, writer?  Where do all those descriptions end, and Shannon begins?
Just mere musings to put on screen so I actually write something today!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

It begins with a blank page/screen

So here I am...blogging...I am about to graduate and I am not sure I will have the time to write anything as I embark on my next journey to become certified so I can teach on a secondary level.  If I have a blog, maybe I'll write more...I hope so!  And I may never show anyone who knows!